Lynnette W's Enrolled Lessons
20 minFREEMixology lessonFree11 CQ
Curious about the vast world of wine? Sunset Magazine starts with the basics, from choosing corkscrews and wine glasses to determining tasting notes.
with Sunset SeminarsCurious about the vast world of wine? Sunset Magazine starts with the basics, from choosing corkscrews and wine glasses to determining tasting notes.
24 minMixology lesson13 CQ
Sunset Magazine takes you on a guided tour of red wine from the Old World (Europe, for the uninitiated) - Bordeaux and Burgundy to the southern tip of Spain.
with Sunset SeminarsSunset Magazine takes you on a guided tour of red wine from the Old World (Europe, for the uninitiated) - Bordeaux and Burgundy to the southern tip of Spain.
10 minMixology lesson6 CQ
Overwhelmed by the wine section of your local grocery store? Sunset Magazine provides some tips to help you choose the right bottle of wine for any occasion.
with Sunset SeminarsOverwhelmed by the wine section of your local grocery store? Sunset Magazine provides some tips to help you choose the right bottle of wine for any occasion.
29 minMixology lesson15 CQ
For their originality and variety, American and New World red wines can’t be beat. Sunset Magazine explores the varieties in its own backyard.
with Sunset SeminarsFor their originality and variety, American and New World red wines can’t be beat. Sunset Magazine explores the varieties in its own backyard.
35 minMixology lesson18 CQ
Lovers of white wine, rejoice! Sunset Magazine breaks down the history and flavor spectra of chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, pinot grigio, and more.
with Sunset SeminarsLovers of white wine, rejoice! Sunset Magazine breaks down the history and flavor spectra of chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, pinot grigio, and more.
26 minMixology lesson14 CQ
Sunset Magazine brings together two very different styles – sparkling wine and rosé wine – for a discussion of their history and tasting notes.
with Sunset SeminarsSunset Magazine brings together two very different styles – sparkling wine and rosé wine – for a discussion of their history and tasting notes.
10 minFREENutrition lessonFree6 CQ
What is a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle and why is it so beneficial for our health and the health of our planet? Learn reasons for revising your lifestyle.
with Curious .What is a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle and why is it so beneficial for our health and the health of our planet? Learn reasons for revising your lifestyle.
10 minCooking lesson6 CQ
Learn how to optimize your grocery shopping and what to stock in your kitchen, as well as what you should not bring home for optimal health and weight.
with Curious .Learn how to optimize your grocery shopping and what to stock in your kitchen, as well as what you should not bring home for optimal health and weight.
14 minCooking lesson8 CQ
In this lesson, learn about the health and nutrition benefits of vegetables, the different groups of vegetables, and how to use them in meals.
with Curious .In this lesson, learn about the health and nutrition benefits of vegetables, the different groups of vegetables, and how to use them in meals.
11 minCooking lesson6 CQ
In this lesson, learn what makes fruits superior for your health, the abundant variety of fruits available, and how to optimize your use of fruits in your diet.
with Curious .In this lesson, learn what makes fruits superior for your health, the abundant variety of fruits available, and how to optimize your use of fruits in your diet.