Mind + Body

Health Benefits & Use of Fruits

6 CQ

In this lesson, learn what makes fruits superior for your health, the abundant variety of fruits available, and how to optimize your use of fruits in your diet.

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Brianna B
I appreciate learning that heat can damage nutrients in food. Does freezing have an adverse effect? I usually freeze my berries if I am not eating them fast enough.
Curious .
Heat is the most destructive to our food (the higher and longer the heat, the worse), however cold and freezing are not. Although there is a little nutrition loss over long periods of freezing, it is no problem in general, compared to the cooking we do with our food daily. Where as grains and beans are not so nutritionally sensitive, fruits and vegetables are. Eating fruits raw is best, and eating veggies raw or gently steamed/cooked. So you can definitely feel okay about freezing :)
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Gloria P
I go food shopping once a week. How can I know if the fruits and vegetables I am buying will retain their nutritional value for the week? I gather one must shop frequently.
Curious .
Gloria, shopping once a week is very practical, efficient, and something I actually recommend. The key is to eat in order of what tends to spoil first. So with respect to fruits, for ex: eat berries first, apples or oranges can be eaten last. As for nutritional value, unless one grows their own, we can benefit by choosing local, fresh food as much as possible. Ultimately, we don't have a perfect food system today, but we can help ourselves further to eat lots of fruits/veggies for most benefits.
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Tina a
Great lesson!
Curious .
Thank you for sharing your feedback Tina!
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