Tessa B's Enrolled Lessons
4 minMartial Arts lesson3 CQ
Learn how to “move with taijutsu” and incorporate full body movement into your moves. Excerpt rom the 8 hour black belt video course "Basics of Ninja Training"
with Curious .Learn how to “move with taijutsu” and incorporate full body movement into your moves. Excerpt rom the 8 hour black belt video course "Basics of Ninja Training"
2 minMartial Arts lesson2 CQ
Learn how to defend yourself while causing minimal harm to your attacker with this lesson on Ninjutsu pain compliance techniques from Sensei Roemke.
with Curious .Learn how to defend yourself while causing minimal harm to your attacker with this lesson on Ninjutsu pain compliance techniques from Sensei Roemke.
12 minMartial Arts lesson7 CQ
Prepare for battle by learning a series of dakentaijutsu blocks, strikes, and exercises using the arms, fist, and legs. Moves include jodan uke and zenpo geri.
with Curious .Prepare for battle by learning a series of dakentaijutsu blocks, strikes, and exercises using the arms, fist, and legs. Moves include jodan uke and zenpo geri.
1 minFREEMartial Arts lessonFree1 CQ
You can't learn to fight until you learn the language of the dojo. Learn the meanings of phrases, numbers, and words likely to come up in martial arts class.
with Curious .You can't learn to fight until you learn the language of the dojo. Learn the meanings of phrases, numbers, and words likely to come up in martial arts class.
6 minMartial Arts lesson4 CQ
Prepare for your ninja training by working through this Junan Taiso warmup that exercises your arms, shoulders, legs, back, abdominals, and wrists.
with Curious .Prepare for your ninja training by working through this Junan Taiso warmup that exercises your arms, shoulders, legs, back, abdominals, and wrists.
22 minMartial Arts lesson12 CQ
Stop, drop, and roll- ninja style! Learn the basics of kaiten, or ninjutsu rolling techniques. Rolls are great for avoiding strikes or recovering from hits.
with Curious .Stop, drop, and roll- ninja style! Learn the basics of kaiten, or ninjutsu rolling techniques. Rolls are great for avoiding strikes or recovering from hits.
10 minMartial Arts lesson6 CQ
We all fall down (yes, even ninjas). Learn various ninjutsu breakfalls that can prevent injury and prepare you to get back up and resume fighting.
with Curious .We all fall down (yes, even ninjas). Learn various ninjutsu breakfalls that can prevent injury and prepare you to get back up and resume fighting.
8 minMartial Arts lesson5 CQ
Part of self-defense is heightened awareness and knowing how to get out harm’s way. Learn about Zanshin and Tai Sabaki in this Ninja Learning Network lesson.
with Curious .Part of self-defense is heightened awareness and knowing how to get out harm’s way. Learn about Zanshin and Tai Sabaki in this Ninja Learning Network lesson.
21 minMartial Arts lesson11 CQ
Be prepared for any situation! This comprehensive lesson from Ninja Learning Network demonstrates the kamae, or stances and postures, of Ninjutsu.
with Curious .Be prepared for any situation! This comprehensive lesson from Ninja Learning Network demonstrates the kamae, or stances and postures, of Ninjutsu.
7 minMartial Arts lesson4 CQ
Think you are vulnerable to attack if you don’t carry a loaded weapon? Learn how to defend yourself with objects likely on your person, like a pen and keys.
with Curious .Think you are vulnerable to attack if you don’t carry a loaded weapon? Learn how to defend yourself with objects likely on your person, like a pen and keys.