Phyllis T's Enrolled Lessons
3 minFitness lesson2 CQ
Stay in shape while enjoying the sand and sun, with this fun beach workout! Fitness Sean Vigue shares a short core workout for beach body abs!
with Sean Vigue FitnessStay in shape while enjoying the sand and sun, with this fun beach workout! Fitness Sean Vigue shares a short core workout for beach body abs!
3 minFREEGardening lessonFree2 CQ
Summer means bugs. But if you're besieged by flies and mosquitoes, don't resort to toxins! Learn these organic ways to combat pesky garden insects.
with GrowOrganic.comSummer means bugs. But if you're besieged by flies and mosquitoes, don't resort to toxins! Learn these organic ways to combat pesky garden insects.
3 minFREECrafts lessonFree2 CQ
Maintaining smooth skin takes work, but doesn't have to be expensive! In this lesson, learn how to make exfoliating skin scrubs at home with coffee grounds.
with MomasaurusMaintaining smooth skin takes work, but doesn't have to be expensive! In this lesson, learn how to make exfoliating skin scrubs at home with coffee grounds.
3 minFREEMind + Body lessonFree2 CQ
Everyone wants a great smile, but there are several things to consider when it comes to whitening your teeth. This lesson will show you what to avoid.
with Dr. Sanda MoldovanEveryone wants a great smile, but there are several things to consider when it comes to whitening your teeth. This lesson will show you what to avoid.
4 minFREEPersonal Growth lessonFree3 CQ
If you love hitting the snooze button, then this lesson is for you! Learn how to change your morning by making a few small adjustments to your sleep routine.
with The Thought GymIf you love hitting the snooze button, then this lesson is for you! Learn how to change your morning by making a few small adjustments to your sleep routine.