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Nerdy Curio

February 1, 2017

Catching deadly spiders, wolf-sized otters & a gull-grabbing shark

2 CQ

Today’s Nerdy Curio catches you up on nature news from the past week, courtesy of Earth Touch: Snow leopards get some new neighbors, China’s ancient wolf-sized otters described for the first time, a baby whale attempts to catch a piggyback ride, why is an Australian zoo asking for help catching deadly spiders and a great white shark grabs a gull

Aired January 30, 2017

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Eric E
The discovery of the large otter is really fascinating. I hope to hear more about that. The cross over of the two leopards has also my attention.
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Brigitte B
Awesome facts & updates on nature today and in years past!
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Jean M
I love these nature and animal facts, very interesting, Thanks!
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Garrett F
Love it! Great clips!
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Jack M
Quite an interesting round up, I'm looking forward to more
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