Robert Y's Enrolled Lessons
1 minSports lesson1 CQ
Get in on the racket surrounding the single handed backhand tennis swing! Learn about the eastern grip, then perform the swing in four easy steps.
with Full Swing TennisGet in on the racket surrounding the single handed backhand tennis swing! Learn about the eastern grip, then perform the swing in four easy steps.
2 minSports lesson2 CQ
Learn a new tennis serve with a high arc and tricky bounce: the kick serve! This lesson from Full Swing Tennis covers every step of this strong second serve.
with Full Swing TennisLearn a new tennis serve with a high arc and tricky bounce: the kick serve! This lesson from Full Swing Tennis covers every step of this strong second serve.
1 minSports lesson1 CQ
Confound your tennis opponents by learning a new intermediate serve: the slice serve, which causes you ball to veer off in a new direction for its bounce.
with Full Swing TennisConfound your tennis opponents by learning a new intermediate serve: the slice serve, which causes you ball to veer off in a new direction for its bounce.
2 minSports lesson2 CQ
Improve your backhand punch volley in four easy steps! This beginner tennis lesson takes you through the positioning, grip, and swing for the backhand volley.
with Full Swing TennisImprove your backhand punch volley in four easy steps! This beginner tennis lesson takes you through the positioning, grip, and swing for the backhand volley.
2 minFREESports lessonFree2 CQ
Your forehand can be hampered by some nasty habits that are tough to kick. This tutorial provides some tips that will guide you toward the golden stroke.
Your forehand can be hampered by some nasty habits that are tough to kick. This tutorial provides some tips that will guide you toward the golden stroke.
2 minSports lesson2 CQ
Learn how to improve your tennis serve! Find out where to stand, how to grip the handle, and discover the four basic steps of how to swing your racket.
with Full Swing TennisLearn how to improve your tennis serve! Find out where to stand, how to grip the handle, and discover the four basic steps of how to swing your racket.
2 minFREESports lessonFree2 CQ
Master a basic tennis grip with this lesson from HammerIt Tennis. Having a good continental grip will give you more control volleying, serving, and backhanding.
with Hammer It TennisMaster a basic tennis grip with this lesson from HammerIt Tennis. Having a good continental grip will give you more control volleying, serving, and backhanding.