Cindy M's Enrolled Lessons
2 minFREEHumanities Word CurioFree2 CQ
Word of the Day : November 1, 2022
sallow \SAL-oh\ adjective
What It Means
Sallow means "of a grayish greenish yellow color," and often suggests sicklines...
with Merriam-WebsterWord of the Day : November 1, 2022
sallow \SAL-oh\ adjective
What It Means
Sallow means "of a grayish greenish yellow color," and often suggests sicklines...
3 minDating lesson2 CQ
When is it okay to talk to someone you find attractive? Follow these tips to approach someone you're attracted to and show that you're approachable.
When is it okay to talk to someone you find attractive? Follow these tips to approach someone you're attracted to and show that you're approachable.
2 minPersonal Growth lesson2 CQ
In this lesson, review a great anecdote that proves a positive attitude can help you overcome awkward situations and still manage to pick up a date in the end.
In this lesson, review a great anecdote that proves a positive attitude can help you overcome awkward situations and still manage to pick up a date in the end.
3 minFREEPersonal Growth lessonFree2 CQ
Build up your confidence with the relationship advice in this lesson! You'll learn how to ask someone out, even when you don't look your best.
Build up your confidence with the relationship advice in this lesson! You'll learn how to ask someone out, even when you don't look your best.
4 minFREEPersonal Growth lessonFree3 CQ
In this lesson, learn how to think honestly about what you want in a relationship and practice making a list of qualities that your ideal person would possess.
In this lesson, learn how to think honestly about what you want in a relationship and practice making a list of qualities that your ideal person would possess.
3 minFREEPersonal Growth lessonFree2 CQ
In this lesson, learn how to change your perspective about dating, attract healthy relationships into your life, and dispel a few myths about perfect partners.
In this lesson, learn how to change your perspective about dating, attract healthy relationships into your life, and dispel a few myths about perfect partners.
2 minPersonal Growth lesson2 CQ
What dish are you serving at the potluck party of life? Join this relationship and self-help lesson to improve yourself and your romantic chances.
What dish are you serving at the potluck party of life? Join this relationship and self-help lesson to improve yourself and your romantic chances.
2 minDating lesson2 CQ
Do you believe in the law of attraction? Join this dating lesson to explore why like attracts like, and how the organic method of dating works.
Do you believe in the law of attraction? Join this dating lesson to explore why like attracts like, and how the organic method of dating works.
2 minDating lesson2 CQ
How can you develop an extraordinary relationship with your lover? Learn why meeting the needs of your relationship will make getting what you want easier.
How can you develop an extraordinary relationship with your lover? Learn why meeting the needs of your relationship will make getting what you want easier.
3 minDating lesson2 CQ
Want a deeper, more meaningful connection with your partner? Join this lesson to explore the seven levels of conscious relationships, and how to have one.
Want a deeper, more meaningful connection with your partner? Join this lesson to explore the seven levels of conscious relationships, and how to have one.