Anthony B's Enrolled Lessons
5 minBiology lesson3 CQ
Your blood type may have nothing to with your day-to-day life, but it is important information that everyone should know. Learn how to type your blood at home!
with Myles PowerYour blood type may have nothing to with your day-to-day life, but it is important information that everyone should know. Learn how to type your blood at home!
2 minFREEOutdoors lessonFree2 CQ
Lost in the woods? No need to resort to trails of bread crumbs! Learn the correct way to hold, use, and read a compass to find your way home.
with Roadside NatureLost in the woods? No need to resort to trails of bread crumbs! Learn the correct way to hold, use, and read a compass to find your way home.
10 minFREEPhysics lessonFree6 CQ
In this lesson, learn about quod erat demonstrandum, or QED: one of the most important discoveries in physics that proves more theories than anything else.
with Es EinsteiniumIn this lesson, learn about quod erat demonstrandum, or QED: one of the most important discoveries in physics that proves more theories than anything else.
8 minDogs lesson5 CQ
Like every good pet parent, you think your dog is the brightest and the best. Prove it, by training your dog to do awesome tricks like playing dead.
with Curious .Like every good pet parent, you think your dog is the brightest and the best. Prove it, by training your dog to do awesome tricks like playing dead.
3 minFitness lesson2 CQ
Stay in shape while enjoying the sand and sun, with this fun beach workout! Fitness Sean Vigue shares a short core workout for beach body abs!
with Sean Vigue FitnessStay in shape while enjoying the sand and sun, with this fun beach workout! Fitness Sean Vigue shares a short core workout for beach body abs!
9 minFREEFrench lessonFree5 CQ
Ready to learn a new language? This lesson teaches you key French phrases, from “bonjour” to “au revoir.” Learn how to speak French, the romance language!
Ready to learn a new language? This lesson teaches you key French phrases, from “bonjour” to “au revoir.” Learn how to speak French, the romance language!
3 minFREEScience lessonFree2 CQ
Sleeping is one of the most basic functions of your body. But why do you do it? Explore the science behind this surprisingly difficult question.
with Es EinsteiniumSleeping is one of the most basic functions of your body. But why do you do it? Explore the science behind this surprisingly difficult question.
2 minFREERussian lessonFree2 CQ
Do you want to learn Russian? In this lesson, learn how to say “I want” and express that you are thirsty and hungry. Then, learn how to say “yes” and “no”.
with AnatolyDo you want to learn Russian? In this lesson, learn how to say “I want” and express that you are thirsty and hungry. Then, learn how to say “yes” and “no”.
6 minFREESign Language lessonFree4 CQ
If you love languages, then this lesson is going to be an eye opener! As a new student of American Sign Language, learn simple signs and basic sentences.
with SignwithkristaIf you love languages, then this lesson is going to be an eye opener! As a new student of American Sign Language, learn simple signs and basic sentences.
2 minFREERussian lessonFree2 CQ
In this beginner lesson, students will learn how to say hello, goodbye, and introduce themselves with a few basic Russian greetings and phrases.
with AnatolyIn this beginner lesson, students will learn how to say hello, goodbye, and introduce themselves with a few basic Russian greetings and phrases.