Beginner's Guide to Playing Guitar

123 CQ
37 Lessons
  • Playing
    4 CQ
    26. How to Practice Guitar for Beginners
    A lesson with Erich Andreas
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    Want to master the guitar but don’t know where to start? This lesson gives you the lowdown on how to practice to achieve your desired skill level.

    Want to master the guitar but don’t know where to start? This lesson gives you the lowdown on how to practice to achieve your desired skill level.

  • Playing
    4 CQ
    27. Guitar Care 101
    A lesson with Erich Andreas
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    What sort of precautions should you take if you own a guitar? This lesson covers the the basics of guitar care, from temperature to stands to moisturizing oils.

    What sort of precautions should you take if you own a guitar? This lesson covers the the basics of guitar care, from temperature to stands to moisturizing oils.

  • Playing
    2 CQ
    28. Hand Exercises for Playing Guitar
    A lesson with Erich Andreas
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    If you’re learning how to play guitar, your fretting hand probably grows tired quickly. Discover ways to strengthen your fingers without your guitar.

    If you’re learning how to play guitar, your fretting hand probably grows tired quickly. Discover ways to strengthen your fingers without your guitar.

  • Playing
    2 CQ
    29. Debunking The Myth of Talent on Guitar
    A lesson with Erich Andreas
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    Feeling frustrated playing guitar? That’s normal! This lesson reveals that learning how to play guitar isn’t about talent; it’s about dedication and practice.

    Feeling frustrated playing guitar? That’s normal! This lesson reveals that learning how to play guitar isn’t about talent; it’s about dedication and practice.

  • Playing
    4 CQ
    30. How to Play Inversions on Guitar
    A lesson with Erich Andreas
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    Ever come across slash chords, such as C/G or D/F#, on a chord chart? Learn how to read these chords, known as inversions, with this tutorial.

    Ever come across slash chords, such as C/G or D/F#, on a chord chart? Learn how to read these chords, known as inversions, with this tutorial.

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