
Knitting Guide to Cast Ons & Bind Offs

45 CQ
18 Lessons
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    3 CQ
    16. Sewn Bind Off Knitting Method
    A lesson with Nancy Wynn
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    The sewn bind off creates an elegant edge for knitted projects. Watch and learn this versatile method that produces a pretty cast off with plenty of stretch.

    The sewn bind off creates an elegant edge for knitted projects. Watch and learn this versatile method that produces a pretty cast off with plenty of stretch.

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    4 CQ
    17. Knitting Shoulder Sloped Bind Off
    A lesson with Nancy Wynn
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    If you’re knitting a sweater that has shaped sleeve caps, learn this sloped bind off method that creates a smooth edge for joining sleeve to shoulder.

    If you’re knitting a sweater that has shaped sleeve caps, learn this sloped bind off method that creates a smooth edge for joining sleeve to shoulder.

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    2 CQ
    18. Beaded Bind Off for Knitting
    A lesson with Nancy Wynn
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    Knitting a hat or vest that could use a touch of class? In this lesson, learn a beaded bind off method that’s perfect for projects made with DK yarns.

    Knitting a hat or vest that could use a touch of class? In this lesson, learn a beaded bind off method that’s perfect for projects made with DK yarns.

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