
How to Knit Socks

150 CQ
29 Lessons
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    3 CQ
    11. Reading Your Work on DPNs
    A lesson with Nancy Wynn
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    Sometimes feel lost in a ball of yarn? Learning to read your work while knitting on double pointed needles will save your sanity and your socks!

    Sometimes feel lost in a ball of yarn? Learning to read your work while knitting on double pointed needles will save your sanity and your socks!

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    2 CQ
    12. Toe Decreases on Double Pointed Needles
    A lesson with Nancy Wynn
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    Don't be daunted by knitting toe decreases! Knitting Instructor Nancy Wynn walks you through toe decreases using double pointed knitting needles.

    Don't be daunted by knitting toe decreases! Knitting Instructor Nancy Wynn walks you through toe decreases using double pointed knitting needles.

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    8 CQ
    13. Kitchener Graft on DPNs
    A lesson with Nancy Wynn
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    Learn to knit sock toes using the Kitchener Graft. Nancy Wynn's step by step knitting lesson teaches sock lovers how to join two sets of stitches with style.

    Learn to knit sock toes using the Kitchener Graft. Nancy Wynn's step by step knitting lesson teaches sock lovers how to join two sets of stitches with style.

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    3 CQ
    14. Casting On in Magic Loop Knitting
    A lesson with Nancy Wynn
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    Nancy Wynn takes the mystery out of knitting socks with the magic loop. This step by step knitting lesson helps you cast on your sock with confidence.

    Nancy Wynn takes the mystery out of knitting socks with the magic loop. This step by step knitting lesson helps you cast on your sock with confidence.

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    6 CQ
    15. Joining the Round on a Magic Loop
    A lesson with Nancy Wynn
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    Nancy Wynn explains all there is to know about joining the round using the Magic Loop method. Conjure up your circular knitting needles and get ready to knit!

    Nancy Wynn explains all there is to know about joining the round using the Magic Loop method. Conjure up your circular knitting needles and get ready to knit!

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Mary C
Thanks for your help! Great teaching!
Nancy Wynn
Thanks Mary! : - )
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