Why We Should Protect the Night Sky

3 CQ

Why should we care about preserving the night sky? What’s happening to it, anyway? Learn about the importance of dark skies and the cons of artificial light.

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Azreena A
Wow, thanks a lot for the info! Never heard about the effects of lights to baby turtles & migrating birds, I'm sure will do my best to spread the word.
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nicole b
Thanks! That was very informative. You have a way of speaking to the public so that it's understandable, intriguing, persuasive, and educational. Good luck to you in your Dark Night journey, and thanks again for introducing me. I will try to help spread the word. :)
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Christopher K
Hey, I think that this is great. While many may have heard of light pollution, not everyone knows about the detrimental effects it's been shown to produce. Keep it up, and I'm looking forward to more from this channel. Definitely learned things. BTW: Perhaps you might do a segment on how artificial light has phased out the natural biphasic sleep pattern and replaced it with our monophasic sleep standard. Unless I'm just plum mistaken about that, that is.
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