All Lessons by Wendiland Gardening
4 minGardening lesson3 CQ
Need design inspiration for your mini Zen garden? Wendiland Gardening shows you some beautiful designs you can make with everyday household items.
with Wendiland GardeningNeed design inspiration for your mini Zen garden? Wendiland Gardening shows you some beautiful designs you can make with everyday household items.
5 minGardening lesson3 CQ
If you've been to Japan, you may have seen a marimo floating in the water. These moss balls are thought to bring good luck so be sure to take care of your's!
with Wendiland GardeningIf you've been to Japan, you may have seen a marimo floating in the water. These moss balls are thought to bring good luck so be sure to take care of your's!
3 minFREEGardening lessonFree2 CQ
Like kale chips? Why not make your own, with kale you grew in your garden? In this lesson, learn about three leafy green vegetables that are easy to grow.
with Wendiland GardeningLike kale chips? Why not make your own, with kale you grew in your garden? In this lesson, learn about three leafy green vegetables that are easy to grow.