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Weekly Russian
Discover the Beauty of the Russian Language

Welcome to Russian with Natalia! I am so glad that you decided to study Russian. Learning a foreign language is a rewarding experience and Russian is a wonderful choice - it's challenging, interesting and very beautiful. Russian is a product and expression of an incredibly rich culture. We'll be exploring both the language and culture, and I will make it as easy and enjoyable for you as possible.
I am a native Russian speaker with an MA degree in Russian Language and Literature and almost ten years of teaching experience. Visit my YouTube channel Weekly Russian for a large collection of Russian lessons, songs, poetry and cartoons.

Latest lesson from Weekly Russian

Latest lesson from Weekly Russian

I am excited to share my latest lesson on Curious, Basic Russian Vocabulary Words!

Surrender your translation dictionary and get ready to have meaningful Russian conversations by learning some basic vocabulary used in this beautiful language.

Happy Learning!

Thanks, Weekly Russian

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