Andrew Olsen is a Berklee College of Music Graduate and has been teaching music for over 17 years.
1469 min14-part Guitar course44 CQ
In this course from guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking, review essential intermediate guitar concepts from chords and basic music theory to different voicings and modal music.
with Tone VikingIn this course from guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking, review essential intermediate guitar concepts from chords and basic music theory to different voicings and modal music.
1482 min14-part Guitar course50 CQ
Want to mix up strumming your guitar with some new techniques? Learn different styles of fingerpicking, strumming, and tapping in this course from guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking.
with Tone VikingWant to mix up strumming your guitar with some new techniques? Learn different styles of fingerpicking, strumming, and tapping in this course from guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking.
1253 min12-part Guitar course31 CQ
In this 12 lesson course, explore and learn a variety of different scales from simple to complex, such as chromatic, pentatonic, and hexatonic, with guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking.
with Tone VikingIn this 12 lesson course, explore and learn a variety of different scales from simple to complex, such as chromatic, pentatonic, and hexatonic, with guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking.
1042 min10-part Guitar course28 CQ
Ready to become a better guitar player? Elevate your career with this detailed course on how to sight read guitar music, so you can get more gigs, play different genres, and write your own music!
with Tone VikingReady to become a better guitar player? Elevate your career with this detailed course on how to sight read guitar music, so you can get more gigs, play different genres, and write your own music!
1584 min15-part Guitar course49 CQ
Designed as a springboard into soloing, the improvisation concepts in this 15 lesson course can be applied to any music style. Learn scale patterns, voice leading, rhythmic variations, and more!
with Tone VikingDesigned as a springboard into soloing, the improvisation concepts in this 15 lesson course can be applied to any music style. Learn scale patterns, voice leading, rhythmic variations, and more!