Thrive is a California based company dedicated to supporting people in their journeys in the mountains through community, coaching and product design.
All Lessons by Thrive Snowboards
3 minFREESnowboarding lessonFree2 CQ
Learn the proper technique, balance, and form needed to approach a snowboard jump safely, handle being airborne like a pro, and land gracefully.
with Thrive SnowboardsLearn the proper technique, balance, and form needed to approach a snowboard jump safely, handle being airborne like a pro, and land gracefully.
3 minFREESnowboarding lessonFree2 CQ
Add extreme style to your riding with snowboard grabs. Learn proper body alignment, balance, and technique for getting airborne and performing four basic grabs.
with Thrive SnowboardsAdd extreme style to your riding with snowboard grabs. Learn proper body alignment, balance, and technique for getting airborne and performing four basic grabs.
2 minFREESnowboarding lessonFree2 CQ
This lesson shows proper snowboarding form by demonstrating how to stand on the board, tackle a gradual slope, and traverse using the core and lower body.
with Thrive SnowboardsThis lesson shows proper snowboarding form by demonstrating how to stand on the board, tackle a gradual slope, and traverse using the core and lower body.
3 minFREESnowboarding lessonFree2 CQ
In this lesson, learn helpful techniques for how to mount, safely ride, and get off a chairlift at a ski resort while attached to a snowboard.
with Thrive SnowboardsIn this lesson, learn helpful techniques for how to mount, safely ride, and get off a chairlift at a ski resort while attached to a snowboard.
2 minFREESnowboarding lessonFree2 CQ
Learn all about skate-style approaches, including how to approach, lock on, slide down, and jump off boxes and rails with confidence.
with Thrive SnowboardsLearn all about skate-style approaches, including how to approach, lock on, slide down, and jump off boxes and rails with confidence.