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The Speakers' Coach
Unleash your Personal Speaking Power(PSP).

Jacques Waisvisz, principal trainer and president of The Speaker's Coach, has over two decades experience in public speaking and training. He is a Past District Governor of District 61 of Toastmasters International. Jacques is also a hospitality/tourism industry expert and worked as a diplomat with the Canadian Government Tourism Department.

"You involved your audience in such a way as to make learning fun."

John Aviste, President, Aviste Motion Pictures, Watertown, New York

"Your course was excellent, enjoyable and entertaining. I benefited greatly and it helped me overcome the numbing fear of public speaking."

Sally Jorgensen, Deputy Director, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Canada.

New Curious lesson - Introduction to Public Speaking

New Curious lesson - Introduction to Public Speaking

Ready for a new lesson? I am excited to share my most recently published lesson Introduction to Public Speaking.

Public speaking is a skill that anyone can learn with a little motivation. In this introductory lesson, learn about the common fear of making presentations.

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

Thanks, The Speakers' Coach

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