The Distilled Man is dedicated to helping men learn essential skills that every gentleman should know. Simply put, our mission is to help guys become better men.
We feature videos on a wide range of manly topics, from how to tie a bow tie or how to mix cocktails, to how to grill. Each tutorial is packed with practical instruction and helpful advice.
All Lessons by The Distilled Man
4 minFREEStyle lessonFree3 CQ
The Double Windsor Knot is one of the most prestigious tie knots around. The Distilled Man will show you how to tie a Double Windsor in a few easy steps.
with The Distilled ManThe Double Windsor Knot is one of the most prestigious tie knots around. The Distilled Man will show you how to tie a Double Windsor in a few easy steps.
2 minFREEStyle lessonFree2 CQ
The 4-in-Hand Knot is a standard necktie knot every man should know how to do. In this lesson, you'll learn how to tie this popular knot in a few easy steps.
with The Distilled ManThe 4-in-Hand Knot is a standard necktie knot every man should know how to do. In this lesson, you'll learn how to tie this popular knot in a few easy steps.
3 minFREEStyle lessonFree2 CQ
The Half Windsor Knot is much like its close cousin, the Double Windsor, only smaller. The Distilled Man will show you how to tie one in a few easy steps.
with The Distilled ManThe Half Windsor Knot is much like its close cousin, the Double Windsor, only smaller. The Distilled Man will show you how to tie one in a few easy steps.