Mastering the SAT Math Section

155 CQ
38 Lessons
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    4 CQ
    36. Practicing SAT Coordinate Geometry
    A lesson with Test Prep and Cyber Security
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    In this lesson, learn how to solve coordinate geometry problems, review essential concepts, and develop a winning approach to the SAT math section!

    In this lesson, learn how to solve coordinate geometry problems, review essential concepts, and develop a winning approach to the SAT math section!

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    4 CQ
    37. SAT Shaded Region Math Problems
    A lesson with Test Prep and Cyber Security
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    In this lesson, learn how to apply basic math concepts to solve SAT problems that ask test takers to find the area of a shaded portion of a shape.

    In this lesson, learn how to apply basic math concepts to solve SAT problems that ask test takers to find the area of a shaded portion of a shape.

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    9 CQ
    38. Solving 3D Geometry on the SAT
    A lesson with Test Prep and Cyber Security
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    In this lesson, calculate the volume and surface area of cubes, rectangles, and cylinders, and the length of a diagonal line in a three-dimensional rectangle.

    In this lesson, calculate the volume and surface area of cubes, rectangles, and cylinders, and the length of a diagonal line in a three-dimensional rectangle.

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