All Lessons by Talking Bass
12 minBass Guitar lesson7 CQ
Learn the finer details of bass guitar intervals, including alternate finger patterns. Delve deeper into music theory; your Jedi training is almost complete.
with Talking BassLearn the finer details of bass guitar intervals, including alternate finger patterns. Delve deeper into music theory; your Jedi training is almost complete.
10 minBass Guitar lesson6 CQ
Once you learn the major scale on bass guitar, it’s time to learn the rest! Talking Bass explains the basics of the minor, diminished and augmented intervals.
with Talking BassOnce you learn the major scale on bass guitar, it’s time to learn the rest! Talking Bass explains the basics of the minor, diminished and augmented intervals.
13 minBass Guitar lesson7 CQ
If you’ve been playing bass guitar by ear all this time, learning interval patterns and the major scale will transform your playing. Get finger-fret fluency!
with Talking BassIf you’ve been playing bass guitar by ear all this time, learning interval patterns and the major scale will transform your playing. Get finger-fret fluency!