Completed Chi-Lel Qigong Instructor Training Program
Black Sash Qigong Sifu and Qigong Specialist: American Qi Gong Society
Certified Easy Tai Chi™ Instructor
Completed Advanced Seminar in Easy Tai Chi & 4-Minute Fitness
Certified 4 Minute Fitness™ Instructor
Completed Golden Premium Course of Imperial Qi Gong I & II
Speaker/Presenter National Qigong Association 2006 Conference
Black Belt in Aikido
Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do
Tai Chi and Karate instructor On Top of the World Communities, Ocala, Fl.
Healthy Joints, Healthy Back instructor On Top of the World Communities, Ocala, Fl.
Tai Chi and Karate instructor The Ranch, Ocala, Fl.
Tai Chi instructor, Health To You (Ocala Regional Medical Center, West Marion Community Hospital)
Owner/Chief Instructor Martial Arts/Healing Arts Center:
New Windsor, NY and Washingtonville, NY
Certified NESTA Mind-Body Fitness Specialist
Author of 6 ebooks on health and healing
Who’s Who in American Teachers
All Lessons by Art Stalbow
3 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
Tai chi movements, like Stork Cools Wing and Crane Stretches Wing, are excellent low-impact exercises that enhance your physical and mental health.
with Art StalbowTai chi movements, like Stork Cools Wing and Crane Stretches Wing, are excellent low-impact exercises that enhance your physical and mental health.
5 minFitness lesson3 CQ
Raising and lowering your arms and twisting your torso while alternating leg lifts, you'll feel the movement of Tai Chi Crane Bird target your abs and arms.
with Art StalbowRaising and lowering your arms and twisting your torso while alternating leg lifts, you'll feel the movement of Tai Chi Crane Bird target your abs and arms.
2 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
Qigong Sifu, Art Stalbow, shows you how to tap energy from your lower dantian, located near your navel, up through your core and out to your arms and legs.
with Art StalbowQigong Sifu, Art Stalbow, shows you how to tap energy from your lower dantian, located near your navel, up through your core and out to your arms and legs.
2 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
Learn how to perform the Single Whip, which moves the qi ball across your chest and out through your hands as you step and float into each tai chi movement.
with Art StalbowLearn how to perform the Single Whip, which moves the qi ball across your chest and out through your hands as you step and float into each tai chi movement.
3 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
Try learning two new tai chi exercises that are excellent ways to improve lung health, the Archer and the Fan Through Back. Harness your mind-body energy now!
with Art StalbowTry learning two new tai chi exercises that are excellent ways to improve lung health, the Archer and the Fan Through Back. Harness your mind-body energy now!