Peabody Award-winning Studio 360 with Kurt Andersen is public radio’s smart, fun, and provocative window on pop culture and the arts. Listen to surprising conversations, performances, and stories from across the spectrum of art and culture. Share your stories or your show ideas with us by sending an email or a recorded voice memo to
9 minFREEPsychology lessonFree5 CQ
Right-brained people are supposed to be artistic and spontaneous, while left-brainers are literal and analytical. Nobel Prize-winning neurology spawned this insight decades ago, along with the bestseller Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. But does the story of two hemispheres stand up in the age of the MRI? Produced by Dave Johns.
with Studio 360Right-brained people are supposed to be artistic and spontaneous, while left-brainers are literal and analytical. Nobel Prize-winning neurology spawned this insight decades ago, along with the bestseller Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. But does the story of two hemispheres stand up in the age of the MRI? Produced by Dave Johns.