Scott Driscoll went to school at Carnegie Mellon to study engineering (a mix of mechanical, electrical and computer science), and then to Georgia Tech for a MS in mechanical engineering (controls) and music technology. He received training to become an IPC soldering specialist, and is an electronic product developer.
643 min6-part Hardware course25 CQ
If you’re looking to put together an electronic prototype that will last, you’ll want to solder the parts together. In this course, learn how to use a soldering iron on sensitive electronics.
with CuriousInventorIf you’re looking to put together an electronic prototype that will last, you’ll want to solder the parts together. In this course, learn how to use a soldering iron on sensitive electronics.
Other Lessons by CuriousInventor
21 minEconomics lesson11 CQ
Can’t wrap your head around the idea of Bitcoin? This lesson shows you how the alternative currency works, from generation of coins to individual transactions.
with CuriousInventorCan’t wrap your head around the idea of Bitcoin? This lesson shows you how the alternative currency works, from generation of coins to individual transactions.
2 minFREEVideo Games lessonFree2 CQ
Have you wondered how the Xbox Kinect Sensor triangulates distance? In this lesson, learn about the technology the Kinect uses to determine depth and distance.
with CuriousInventorHave you wondered how the Xbox Kinect Sensor triangulates distance? In this lesson, learn about the technology the Kinect uses to determine depth and distance.
3 miniPhones + iPads lesson2 CQ
Learn three ways to tie and store ear bud-style headphones. From a simple wrap to a figure 8 to a fold and granny knot, these tricks will keep you tangle-free.
with CuriousInventorLearn three ways to tie and store ear bud-style headphones. From a simple wrap to a figure 8 to a fold and granny knot, these tricks will keep you tangle-free.