Julia, a native Russian speaker, is an experienced Russian Language Teacher and Translator, based in London, UK. She has a degree in Russian and Linguistics and with her keen personal interest and passion for languages she is able to anticipate and understand any difficulties that could be experienced by students during the learning process. This understanding, coupled with her vast experience of teaching Russian, has led her to create this exciting and comprehensive course.
Julia has an excellent track record of teaching all levels of Russian to various backgrounds and ages including teenagers, University students, spouses of Russian speakers and professional adults and successfully preparing them for different types of exams in Russian as well as enabling them to acquire adequate fluency.
Here is one testimonial: "My son is extremely happy to be working with you. You have helped him in his understanding of specific grammar points. He has found your knowledge invaluable and as a result of your input, his confidence has increased. Many thanks."
Julia is excited to have you on board!
All Lessons by Russian Language
8 minFREERussian lessonFree5 CQ
Longing to speak Russian? Learning the Russian alphabet is the first step! This introductory lesson walks you through the basics of letters and pronunciation!
with Russian LanguageLonging to speak Russian? Learning the Russian alphabet is the first step! This introductory lesson walks you through the basics of letters and pronunciation!
7 minRussian lesson4 CQ
Learn to speak Russian by understanding the rules of reading and pronunciation. Practice reading and saying simple Russian words. Begin your journey today!
with Russian LanguageLearn to speak Russian by understanding the rules of reading and pronunciation. Practice reading and saying simple Russian words. Begin your journey today!
11 minRussian lesson6 CQ
Want to greet your friends in Russian? Приве́т! Now you can say Hi! And that's only the beginning. Learn basic Russian greetings, phrases, and conversation!
with Russian LanguageWant to greet your friends in Russian? Приве́т! Now you can say Hi! And that's only the beginning. Learn basic Russian greetings, phrases, and conversation!