Pioneer of new online television techniques including producing live music shows using 18 iPhones.
My passion for creating video content goes back to creating short movies as a teenager and my father's clockwork standard 8 cine camera. This led me to attend Brighton Film School and to go on start Red Power Station in 2011 as a video production company for businesses.
Currently I direct adverts and am creating my own online Tv channels,
1080 min10-part Public Speaking course47 CQ
Whether you want to be a YouTube sensation or star in your company's marketing videos, this course can teach you how to speak well on camera, dress to impress, and craft a stellar script.
with Iain ClarkWhether you want to be a YouTube sensation or star in your company's marketing videos, this course can teach you how to speak well on camera, dress to impress, and craft a stellar script.
416 min4-part Marketing course11 CQ
From identifying a marketing message that resonates with your customers, to producing a good-looking video and promoting it on YouTube, learn to make an online marketing video that drives sales.
with Iain ClarkFrom identifying a marketing message that resonates with your customers, to producing a good-looking video and promoting it on YouTube, learn to make an online marketing video that drives sales.
Other Lessons by Iain Clark
Iain Clark's Enrolled Lessons
5 minFREEAnimation lessonFree3 CQ
Before modelling can start, learn how to add, scale, and align three different blueprints of a spaceship to coordinate dimensions in Blender in this lesson.
with Kenan ProffittBefore modelling can start, learn how to add, scale, and align three different blueprints of a spaceship to coordinate dimensions in Blender in this lesson.
9 min3D Design lesson5 CQ
In this lesson, gain Blender tips and insight into creating a clean model for your spaceship by using evenly spaced loop cuts to create a cleaner mesh.
with Kenan ProffittIn this lesson, gain Blender tips and insight into creating a clean model for your spaceship by using evenly spaced loop cuts to create a cleaner mesh.
3 min3D Design lesson2 CQ
In this lesson, continue modelling your spaceship by adding a rounded cockpit to the model, then shaping and scaling it so that it fits perfectly.
with Kenan ProffittIn this lesson, continue modelling your spaceship by adding a rounded cockpit to the model, then shaping and scaling it so that it fits perfectly.
18 min3D Design lesson10 CQ
In this lesson, learn how to add detail to the spaceship model in Blender, like adding one main engine, plus four hover engines as well as hard surfaces.
with Kenan ProffittIn this lesson, learn how to add detail to the spaceship model in Blender, like adding one main engine, plus four hover engines as well as hard surfaces.
22 min3D Design lesson12 CQ
In this lesson, learn how to do procedural texturing to give more detail the spaceship you're building and add red, blue, and white lights in Blender.
with Kenan ProffittIn this lesson, learn how to do procedural texturing to give more detail the spaceship you're building and add red, blue, and white lights in Blender.
9 min3D Design lesson5 CQ
In this lesson, learn how to add smoke and fire to the spaceship you're building in Blender, then review how to parent it to the body of the ship.
with Kenan ProffittIn this lesson, learn how to add smoke and fire to the spaceship you're building in Blender, then review how to parent it to the body of the ship.
10 min3D Design lesson6 CQ
In this Blender lesson, discover how to add the spaceship to your shot footage by setting up your shadow layer, and adding reflections and the sun.
with Kenan ProffittIn this Blender lesson, discover how to add the spaceship to your shot footage by setting up your shadow layer, and adding reflections and the sun.
14 min3D Design lesson8 CQ
In this lesson, follow along as the last details and final touches are added to the animation featuring a spaceship modeled in Blender using motion tracking.
with Kenan ProffittIn this lesson, follow along as the last details and final touches are added to the animation featuring a spaceship modeled in Blender using motion tracking.
15 min3D Design lesson8 CQ
In this lesson, learn how to use motion tracking in Blender so that you can later add in the 3D spaceship that you've been modeling to the footage.
with Kenan ProffittIn this lesson, learn how to use motion tracking in Blender so that you can later add in the 3D spaceship that you've been modeling to the footage.
8 minCrafts lesson5 CQ
Need a great gift for a cold climate? Crochet fabulous fabric using this variation on the single crochet cluster stitch that creates a lovely lacey effect.
with Sedruola MaruskaNeed a great gift for a cold climate? Crochet fabulous fabric using this variation on the single crochet cluster stitch that creates a lovely lacey effect.