I have spent the thirty-something years since I graduated skipping between Academic and Industrial Research. The last 25 years as a software engineer has been spent at Surrey University, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Philips Electronics and now back at Surrey University.
I have been focussed specifically on the web technologies area since 2002 in both my research and my teaching. Initially a strong advocate of Java World, I started teaching Ruby on Rails in 2008, although not exclusively so. My research work has led to two spinouts, Thoughtified and Rulemotion. The former has delivered a wide range of projects coded in Rails, and provides important practical feedback into my teaching of Ruby on Rails.
I have travelled widely in Europe, Africa and Asia both for pleasure and for work. This has given me a broader perspective than just the technical aspects of my work.
27525 min27-part Web Development course274 CQ
Develop your own web application with Ruby on Rails, an open source framework and programming language! Build on a background in basic computer programming and object-oriented languages.
Develop your own web application with Ruby on Rails, an open source framework and programming language! Build on a background in basic computer programming and object-oriented languages.
15273 min15-part Science course143 CQ
In this in-depth course on the mountain plants of China, enjoy stunning views of native Chinese plants, and the breathtaking landscapes of the Zhongdian Plateau, Yunnan’s Stone Drum, and more!
In this in-depth course on the mountain plants of China, enjoy stunning views of native Chinese plants, and the breathtaking landscapes of the Zhongdian Plateau, Yunnan’s Stone Drum, and more!
Other Lessons by Professor Paul Krause
9 minGardening lesson5 CQ
Tree peonies look exotic but they are remarkably tough and easy to grow. Learn everything you need to know about planting and caring for one in this lesson.
Tree peonies look exotic but they are remarkably tough and easy to grow. Learn everything you need to know about planting and caring for one in this lesson.