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Worldly Curio

January 2, 2018

Yes, it's freezing. But climate change is still real.

3 CQ

Frigid temperatures across North America don’t mean that the globe isn’t warming. Produced by: Carolyn Beeler. Image credit: Robert Frank/Reuters.

Aired December 29, 2017

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Yes, climate change is most definitely real. Utah, where I live, is coined as The Greatest Snow on Earth. While we still have extremely cold temperatures, we are not getting the moisture we are accustomed to receiving. In turn, the tourism we count on so heavily to keep our taxes lower will not be peaking, meaning that in addition to a forthcoming drought, costs for taxes, etc. may very well go through the ceiling. There’s a tremendous difference between moisture-producing climates and temps.
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Marianna M
I disagree, that global warming is coming. Here in Florida there was never or maybe once this cold as it is in the last few days. Something is backwards in people’s thinking.
Kim T
You may want to listen to the explanation between weather and climate change again.
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