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Worldly Curio

August 29, 2018

Scotland tries to combat poverty by providing free menstrual products

3 CQ

Victoria Heaney started the #FreePeriodScotland campaign that caught the attention of the Scottish government and, ultimately, helped spur a conversation across Scotland about the fight against period poverty. Produced by: The World staff. Image credit: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters.

Aired August 28, 2018

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Shannon D
I am in the process of learning to make washable fabric pads which would be easily washed and reused which are provided through organizations that provide the education and support. Win, win, I hope.
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Shannon D
Excellent point.
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Shannon D
What about teaching these girls to use reusable products?
Heidi D
At least my reusable products are far more expensive upfront than the common disposable products. Also if you're ashamed of the process caring for your reusable becomes impossible.
Chris R
Are there sanitary concerns with reusables? I feel like if there's already not enough education around overall period poverty issue that introducing a reusable product complicates the need for education further, no? As much as it may be more environmentally sustainable, which I'm usually all-in on, but this being public health probably needs a stepped process in making changes, I would think. Open to being completely wrong though as I am a man and admittedly, likely, less educated than necessary
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