Photoshop Pro Help is run by Andrew Dines, we provide high quality Photoshop video tutorials to the graphic design and photographer community, it doesn't matter if your a beginner or a professional we have something for everyone.
The video tutorials have been used around the world at schools, colleges and universities, I aim to help everyone that wants to learn Photoshop giving them the tools and know how to help them strive and achieve there goals.
All Lessons by Photoshop Pro Help
3 minFREEAdobe Suite lessonFree2 CQ
In this lesson from Photoshop Pro Help, awaken your inner makeup artist and learn how to apply blush in Photoshop using Gaussian blur and opacity settings.
with Photoshop Pro HelpIn this lesson from Photoshop Pro Help, awaken your inner makeup artist and learn how to apply blush in Photoshop using Gaussian blur and opacity settings.
8 minFREEAdobe Suite lessonFree5 CQ
Learn how to change hair color in Photoshop using a masking layer and adjusting the selective color settings. You’ll also learn some tricks for selecting hair.
with Photoshop Pro HelpLearn how to change hair color in Photoshop using a masking layer and adjusting the selective color settings. You’ll also learn some tricks for selecting hair.