Parenting Advice
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Parenting Advice
Parenting Coach, BCBA

Tom Dozier received an M.S. degree in 2012 in interdisciplinary studies from California State University, Stanislaus. His program focused on behavior analysis and the family. He received a graduate certificate in applied behavior analysis from the University of North Texas in 2004, and a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1976. Tom had a successful career in engineering, management, and industrial training, before changing to behavior analysis. He has worked as a parenting coach and parenting skills teacher since 2004. Tom is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and has a teaching credential in adult education. His professional focus is on families with typically developing children. Tom has also developed an online parent training program called Love, Laughter, and Limits (, which combines traditional child development research and behavior analysis principles and addresses parenting issues form birth through young adulthood.


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