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Jay Busch
I want to help you do stuff.
429 min4-part Adobe Suite course16 CQ
You can do an infinite amount of tasks in Adobe Photoshop. Thankfully, this course from Jay Busch narrows down your learning process to a few of the most common post-production graphic design tips!
with Jay BuschYou can do an infinite amount of tasks in Adobe Photoshop. Thankfully, this course from Jay Busch narrows down your learning process to a few of the most common post-production graphic design tips!
Other Lessons by Jay Busch
4 minFREEiPhones + iPads lessonFree3 CQ
Need to sign documents but don’t have a printer? Learn how to sign a PDF document from your iPhone or iPad! Customize your signature and send it right away.
with Jay BuschNeed to sign documents but don’t have a printer? Learn how to sign a PDF document from your iPhone or iPad! Customize your signature and send it right away.