I'm a physics professor working on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN searching for Supersymmetry, a possible new symmetry of nature which could explain Dark Matter and why the Higgs is so light.
I also work on the PINGU experiment we are hoping to build as part of the Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole.
6110 min6-part Physics course59 CQ
In this physics course, Moore Physics makes tricky concepts much easier to understand as he uses examples and experiments to demonstrate the physics behind stress, strain, and elasticity.
with Moore PhysicsIn this physics course, Moore Physics makes tricky concepts much easier to understand as he uses examples and experiments to demonstrate the physics behind stress, strain, and elasticity.
574 min5-part Physics course41 CQ
In this physics course, Moore Physics demonstrates several experiments as he explains pressure and fluid statics, as well as static pressure, buoyancy, and how pressure gauges work.
with Moore PhysicsIn this physics course, Moore Physics demonstrates several experiments as he explains pressure and fluid statics, as well as static pressure, buoyancy, and how pressure gauges work.
455 min4-part Physics course30 CQ
In this physics course, Moore Physics discusses the concepts and equations of fluid dynamics, like Bernoulli's equation and Torricelli's law, and demonstrates their application clearly and simply.
with Moore PhysicsIn this physics course, Moore Physics discusses the concepts and equations of fluid dynamics, like Bernoulli's equation and Torricelli's law, and demonstrates their application clearly and simply.