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Nerdy Curio

October 27, 2017

Is the Universe Entirely Mathematical?

2 CQ

Math has been used to predict numerous phenomena in the universe, but is math just a made-up thing? Explore this topic in today's Nerdy Curio from Minute Physics, featuring Max Tegmark.

Aired May 26, 2014

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Darlene s
I agree with Shannon completely. God created everything and we are nothing without him.
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MIchelle A
Hey Max, I thought it very interesting that the last point in your video had the question God? and your response was...No, Math! Can I suggest that your ability to do math...which requires you to be sapient in the realms of intelligence and sagacity are not the products of mass/energy...(evolution)...but rather the products of a designer...who has allowed you the ability (and you are gifted in that ability) to think His thoughts after Him. Just a thought...see Blaise Pascal.
Shannon D
Absolutely! Amen.
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