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Nerdy Curio

December 13, 2016

Is Climate Change Just A Lot Of Hot Air?

2 CQ

Ever wonder how exactly climate change correlates with extreme weather? Watch today’s Nerdy Curio from Minute Earth to find out how the increase in ocean heat content over the last century is the energy equivalent of an atomic bomb exploding every second during that time frame...and why it matters.

Aired June 18, 2015

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Gerrie S
I would love to have a copy of this presentation on paper w/illustrations. Would happily pay a fee. Is this possible?
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Mary H
I'm not sure how "Curious" works. I guess I don't have an IQ high enough to "play"! But climate change? This is all theory. No one has all the facts. Oh, I'm sure that some scientists THINK that they have the facts, but that's exactly what science is, theories!
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