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Michelle, Motivate Me!
Michelle Marchand Canseco

Training & Development Professional at MichelleMotivateMe.com
Michelle Marchand Canseco is currently running her own consultancy and is an instructor for Florida International University. Because of her background as an actress, she has been selected to teach some of the most difficult material, and she has managed to delight her students by making her classes entertaining and engaging. She is a graduate of the acclaimed "Fame" school in New York City, and she knows how to turn boring material into fun exercises. She is known for her ability to motivate individuals to take action in order to get results. Michelle has helped organizations all over the world improve productivity and performance.

MichelleMotivateMe.com is a skills-based training company that helps people to change behavior in addition to acquiring and enhancing skills. This is accomplished through Seminars, Webinars, Online Videos, Teleconferencing, and monthly Newsletters to the public as well as customized programs and literature for organizations.

New lesson from Michelle, Motivate Me!

New lesson from Michelle, Motivate Me!

Today is my birthday, and I am excited to share my latest lesson on Curious, Strategies for Dealing with Bullies! Your best birthday present to me is to become a more assertive and confident person.

In this lesson, learn how to stand up for yourself with techniques for responding to demanding, threatening, argumentative, and insulting bullying behavior.

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

Michelle, Motivate Me!

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