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July 17, 2018

Word of the Day: Vouchsafe

1 CQ

Word of the Day : July 17, 2018

vouchsafe \vowch-SAYF\ verb


1 a : to grant or furnish often in a gracious or condescending manner

b : to give by way of reply

2 : to grant as a privilege or special favor

Did You Know?

Shakespeare fans are well acquainted with vouchsafe, which in its Middle English form vouchen sauf meant "to grant, consent, or deign." The word, which was borrowed with its present meaning from Anglo-French in the 14th century, pops up fairly frequently in the Bard's work—60 times, to be exact. "Vouchsafe me yet your picture for my love," beseeches Proteus of Silvia in The Two Gentlemen of Verona. "Vouchsafe me raiment, bed, and food," King Lear begs his daughter Regan. But you needn't turn to Shakespeare to find vouchsafe. As illustrated by our examples, today's writers also find it to be a perfectly useful word.

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Aired July 17, 2018

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