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September 22, 2018

Word of the Day: Viva Voce

1 CQ

Word of the Day : September 22, 2018

viva voce \vye-vuh-VOH-see\ adverb


: by word of mouth : orally

Did You Know?

Viva voce derives from Medieval Latin, where it translates literally as "with the living voice." In English it occurs in contexts, such as voting, in which something is done aloud for all to hear. Votes in Congress, for example, are done viva voce—members announce their votes by calling out "yea" or "nay." While the phrase was first used in English as an adverb in the 16th century, it can also appear as an adjective (as in "a viva voce examination") or a noun (where it refers to an examination conducted orally).

Aired September 22, 2018

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