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November 23, 2017

Word of the Day: Viand

1 CQ

Word of the Day : November 23, 2017

viand \VYE-und\ noun


1 : an item of food; especially : a choice or tasty dish

2 : (plural) provisions, food

Did You Know?

Are you someone who eats to live, or someone who lives to eat? Either way, you'll find that the etymology of viand reflects the close link between food and life. Viand was borrowed into English in the 15th century from the Anglo-French viaunde or viande (viande, meaning "meat," is still found in modern French usage). The Anglo-French viaunde derives ultimately from the Medieval Latin vivanda ("food"), an alteration of vivendus, a participial form of the verb vivere, meaning "to live." Vivere is the ancestor of a number of other lively and life-giving words in English, including victual, revive, survive, convivial, and vivacious.

Aired November 23, 2017

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