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November 11, 2018

Word of the Day: Valorous

2 CQ

Word of the Day : November 11, 2018

valorous \VAL-uh-russ\ adjective


1 : possessing or acting with bravery or boldness : courageous

2 : marked by, exhibiting, or carried out with courage or determination : heroic

Did You Know?

If you are boldly seeking synonyms for brave, consider valorous as well as courageous, intrepid, dauntless, and bold—all of which mean "having or showing no fear when faced with danger or difficulty." Brave is the most straightforward of these, implying lack of fear in alarming or difficult circumstances. Courageous carries a sense of stout-hearted resolution in the face of danger, while intrepid suggests downright daring in confronting peril. Dauntless suggests determination and resolution despite danger. Bold typically indicates a forward or defiant tendency to thrust oneself into dangerous situations. Valorous, which comes from Middle English valour, meaning "worth, worthiness, or bravery," suggests illustrious bravery and sometimes has an archaic or romantic ring.

Aired November 11, 2018

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