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April 22, 2018

Word of the Day: Traduce

1 CQ

Word of the Day : April 22, 2018

traduce \truh-DOOSS\ verb


1 : to expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation

2 : violate, betray

Did You Know?

Traduce is one of a number of English synonyms that you can choose when you need a word that means "to injure by speaking ill of." Choose traduce when you want to stress the deep personal humiliation, disgrace, and distress felt by the victim. If someone doesn't actually lie, but makes statements that injure by specific and often subtle misrepresentations, malign may be the more precise choice. To make it clear that the speaker is malicious and the statements made are false, calumniate is a good option. But if you need to say that certain statements represent an attempt to destroy a reputation by open and direct abuse, vilify is the word you want.

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Aired April 22, 2018

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