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Word Curio

February 12, 2019

Word of the Day: Teem

1 CQ

Word of the Day : February 12, 2019

teem \TEEM\ verb


1 : to become filled to overflowing : abound

2 : to be present in large quantity

Did You Know?

The verb teem and the noun team are not just homophones, they are also etymological kin. Teem is derived from Old English tīman or tæman, which originally meant "to bring forth offspring" or "to become pregnant." That word is related to the ancestor of team, the Old English noun tēam, meaning "offspring, lineage, or group of draft animals." Team can still be used to refer to a brood of young animals, especially pigs or ducks, but both teem and team have otherwise largely left their offspring-related senses behind.

Aired February 12, 2019

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Devin O. M
Not coincidence for the team etymology I’d say!
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