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April 28, 2020

Word of the Day: Steadfast

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Word of the Day : July 17, 2017

steadfast \STED-fast\ adjective


1 a : firmly fixed in place : immovable

b : not subject to change

2 : firm in belief, determination, or adherence : loyal


Maureen knew she could count on the steadfast support of her best friend even in the hardest of times.

"He advised the graduating class to approach each day with steadfast determination and grit and to remember to be humble and appreciative." — Austin Ramsey, The Messenger-Inquirer (Owensboro, Kentucky), 20 May 2017

Did You Know?

Steadfast has held its ground in English for many centuries. Its Old English predecessor, stedefæst, combined stede (meaning "place" or "stead") and fæst (meaning "firmly fixed"). An Old English text of the late 10th century, called The Battle of Maldon, contains our earliest record of the word, which was first used in battle contexts to describe warriors who stood their ground. Soon, it was also being used with the broad meaning "immovable," and as early as the 13th century it was applied to those unswerving in loyalty, faith, or friendship. Centuries later, all of these meanings endure.

Aired July 17, 2017

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