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March 8, 2020

Word of the Day: Skosh

1 CQ

Word of the Day : May 29, 2017

skosh \SKOHSH\ noun


: a small amount : bit, smidgen


The barista sprinkled a skosh of fresh ginger onto the milky surface of the latte.

"… I learned that the Turbo S is livable as an everyday car, with a ride quality a skosh firmer than a standard 911." — Tom Voelk, The New York Times, 16 Sept. 2016

Did You Know?

The word skosh comes from the Japanese word sukoshi, which is pronounced "skoh shee" and means "a tiny bit" or "a small amount." The Japanese word was shortened by U.S. servicemen stationed in Japan after World War II. Later, in the Korean War, a small soldier was often nicknamed Skosh. In civilian-speak, skosh can be used by itself as a noun (as in our first example sentence) or in the adverbial phrase "a skosh" (as in our second example).

Aired May 29, 2017

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Linda M
My Dad used this a lot but I never knew till now it was real word till now. Thanks for the info and the memory
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