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August 16, 2019

Word of the Day: Satiate

2 CQ

Word of the Day : August 16, 2019

satiate \SAY-shee-ayt\ verb


: to satisfy (a need, a desire, etc.) fully or to excess

Did You Know?

Satiate, sate, surfeit, cloy, pall, glut, and gorge all mean to fill to repletion. Satiate and sate sometimes imply only complete satisfaction but more often suggest repletion that has destroyed interest or desire, as in "Years of globe-trotting had satiated their interest in travel" and "Readers were sated with sensationalistic stories." Surfeit implies a nauseating repletion, as in "They surfeited themselves with junk food," while cloy stresses the disgust or boredom resulting from such surfeiting, "The strong scent of the flowers cloyed her." Pall emphasizes the loss of ability to stimulate interest or appetite—for example, "A life of leisure eventually began to pall." Glut implies excess in feeding or supplying, as in "a market glutted with diet books," and gorge suggests glutting to the point of bursting or choking, "They gorged themselves with chocolate."

Aired August 16, 2019

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