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December 7, 2018

Word of the Day: Sandbag

1 CQ

Word of the Day : December 7, 2018

sandbag \SAND-bag\ verb


1 : to bank, stop up, or weight with sandbags

2 a : to hit or stun with or as if with a sandbag

b : to treat unfairly or harshly

c : to coerce by crude means

d : to conceal or misrepresent one's true position, potential, or intent especially in order to take advantage over : to hide the truth about oneself so as to gain an advantage over another

Did You Know?

In the 19th century, the verb sandbag began to be used to describe the act of bludgeoning someone with a small, sand-filled bag—a tactic employed by ruffians, usually as a prelude to robbing their victims. The verb went on to develop metaphorical extensions, such as "to coerce by crude means." By the 1940s, it was being used of a strategy in which a poker player with a good hand bets weakly, in order to draw other players into holding on to their hands and raising the bet. The use of sandbag has since evolved to refer to a general strategy of playing down one's position in order to gain some sort of advantage.

Aired December 7, 2018

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