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March 23, 2019

Word of the Day: Reverberate

1 CQ

Word of the Day : March 23, 2019

reverberate \rih-VER-buh-rayt\ verb


1 : to reflect or become reflected

2 : to repel or become driven back

3 : to continue in or as if in a series of echoes : resound

Did You Know?

The letter sequence "v-e-r-b" in reverberate might make you think at first of such word-related brethren as proverb, verbal, and verbose, all of which derive from the Latin noun verbum, meaning "word." In fact, reverberate comes from a much different source: the Latin verb verberare, meaning "to whip, beat, or lash," which is related to the noun verber, meaning "rod." Reverberate entered the English language in the 15th century, and one of its early meanings was "to beat, drive, or cast back." By the early 1600s, it began to appear in contexts associated with sound that repeats or returns the way an echo does.

Aired March 23, 2019

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