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January 3, 2019

Word of the Day: Rapporteur

1 CQ

Word of the Day : January 3, 2019

rapporteur \ra-por-TER\ noun


: a person who gives reports (as at a meeting of a learned society)

Did You Know?

Rapporteur was adopted into English in the 16th century and is a descendant of the Middle French verb rapporter, meaning "to bring back, report, or refer." Other descendants of rapporter in English include rapportage (a rare synonym of reportage, in the sense of "writing intended to give an account of observed or documented events") and rapport ("a harmonious relationship," as in "The young teacher had a good rapport with the students"). The words report, reporter, reportage, etc., are also distant relatives of rapporteur; all can ultimately be traced back to the Latin prefix re-, meaning "back, again, or against," and the Latin word portare, meaning "to carry."

Aired January 3, 2019

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