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August 1, 2021

Word of the Day: Pulchritude

2 CQ

Word of the Day : August 1, 2021

pulchritude \PUHL-kruh-tood\ noun


: physical comeliness

Did You Know?

Pulchritude is a descendant of the Latin adjective pulcher, which means "beautiful." Pulcher hasn't exactly been a wellspring of English terms, but it did give English both pulchritude and pulchritudinous, an adjective meaning "attractive" or "beautiful." The verb pulchrify (a synonym of beautify), the noun pulchritudeness (same meaning as pulchritude), and the adjective pulchrous (meaning "fair or beautiful") are other pulcher offspring, but those terms have proved that, in at least some linguistic cases, beauty is fleeting.

Aired August 1, 2021

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