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Word of the Day : April 20, 2019
propitious \pruh-PISH-us\ adjective
1 : favorably disposed : benevolent
2 : being a good omen : auspicious
3 : tending to favor : advantageous
Did You Know?
Propitious, which comes to us through Middle English from the Latin word propitius, is a synonym of favorable and auspicious. All three essentially mean "pointing toward a happy outcome," with some differences of emphasis. Favorable implies that someone or something involved in a situation is approving or helpful ("a favorable recommendation"), or that circumstances are advantageous ("favorable weather conditions"). Auspicious usually applies to a sign or omen that promises success before or at the start of an event ("an auspicious beginning"). Propitious may also apply to beginnings, but it often suggests a continuing promising condition ("propitious conditions for an alliance").
Aired April 20, 2019
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