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August 15, 2018

Word of the Day: Nonchalant

1 CQ

Word of the Day : August 15, 2018

nonchalant \nahn-shuh-LAHNT\ adjective


: having an air of easy unconcern or indifference

Did You Know?

Since nonchalant ultimately comes from words meaning "not" and "be warm," it's no surprise that the word is all about keeping one's cool. The French word nonchalant, which strolled into English in the 1700s, has essentially held the same meaning in English as in French. It was derived from the Old French verb nonchaloir ("to disregard") and can be traced back to Latin non ("not") and calēre," meaning "to be warm." Unconcerned is one synonym of nonchalant, along with casual, complacent, and insouciant.

Aired August 15, 2018

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